Additional Chinese equipment fees

  • If any part or department of organization or staff of organization are using Chinese products like computers , smartphone , printers or projectors then it meas organization using Chinese product
  • If any organization want to continue purchase and use Chinese products then they have to pay described amount .
  • If any organization promise to reduce and stop buying their local or non-Chinese products then this “Additional Chinese equipment fees” will reduced to 500/-INR
  • Additional Chinese equipment fees is not paid to me this goes to local government or NGO or education institute (must not affiliated with you).
  • If organization located outside of INDIA then this fees goes to any of your local government fund or any other NGO with only exception “Do not paid to your self”
Location Of OrganizationFees PayableFees payable to
Within Gujarat5000/-INRGovernment Of Gujarat or
Government of INDIA
Outside of Gujarat
Within INDIA
7000/-INRLocal Government or
Government OF INDIA
Outside INDIA10000/-INRLocal government Or NGO
additional fees structure for organization who want to continue using Chinese equipment

This fees is payable on monthly basis and payable until MOU exist with “DEVDATT BHATT”. Once MOU ended you are no longer require to pay this fees.

Also note that minimum time duration for MOU is 3 Months. Afterword anyone can discontinue MOU , If this is the case all of installation will work but goes un-managed .

Services which not migrated to local and hosted over cloud will be lost at then end of MOU , in order to prevent that organizations must transfer deployment to local infrastructure or their own cloud ( bill paid by organization ).

In case you decide to stop using Chinese equipment this fees is going to be change as described below

Location Of OrganizationFees PayableFees payable to
Within Gujarat500/-INRGovernment Of Gujarat or
Government of INDIA or
NGO or Education Institutes
Outside of Gujarat
Within INDIA
1000/-INRLocal Government or
Government OF INDIA or
NGO or Education Institutes
Outside INDIA5000/-INRLocal government or
NGO or Education Institutes
additional fees structure for organization who want to reduce and stop use of Chinese equipment

Janvani 91.2 FM

Best Community radio station in entire Gujarat . this radio station is serving and streaming contents from any ware to every ware . Staff is very open minded and eager to push boundary not only in service of community but also for technical implementation of technology.

I believe Radio  Janvani 91.2 FM is only community radio station which supports app localization so that local people can integrate them self and get good service from radio station .

App will soon available to google play store and how ever any one can download apk (Android setup) files from below or listen radio online .

I wish JAU , janvani Radio and other department of JAU good fortune and success in future to come.

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